Wednesday, 22 January 2014

5 Advertisements You Will Never See Again

So, do you think marketing has changed much over the last, say, 50 years? Here are some advertisements that featured from around that era. I think it is fair to say these emphasise the dramatic changes in how brands communicate with their audience.

Ethics and corporate responsibility have become a dominant feature of modern marketing and rightly so. Cigarette brands are not permitted to promote their products at all in many countries (including Ireland) and the sale of such death-inducing products take place in what is often referred to as a 'dark-market'. The other reason this communication would not work in the modern era is because consumers have become much more savvy. They don't just believe advertisements but question what they see, even if a doctor apparently endorses the featured product. (Perhaps it also tells us that doctors have got a little bit smarter in that time too.)

I bet she won't. In fact, producing this on Christmas day morning is more likely to result in its use as a weapon rather that a household appliance. (Although the young lady in the advertisement does look happy, it has to be said). The role of women in most western countries has changed. No longer is it acceptable for us men to convey sexist remarks that stink of inequality (and, again, rightly so). Although, I do dare the Marketing Manager at Hoover to re-run this campaign. Just don't reveal your identity as doing so could greatly reduce your life expectancy.

Everybody knows Coca-Cola is really good for you, right? And what could be a better start in life for your treasured little ones than a regular intake of caffeine mixed with about thirty odd spoons of sugar? Marketing communications aimed at children have become extremely strict in recent times, especially concerning high-sugar food and drink brands that lead to obesity, diabetes, and other associated possible health problems. What parent in their right mind would give this stuff to a baby? Well, perhaps some do, but the likes of Coca-Cola are not allowed to target them with these sort of communications any more and, even if they were, doing so would put the brand in the firing line for some pretty hefty criticism.

In writing this I'm thinking "perhaps this campaign would work today", but for quite different reasons. It would be a handy way to consume this sort of thing without getting that white powdery stuff everywhere. Nigella for one would be delighted I'm sure. Ok I'm joking. This one is wrong and would never be allowed today. And, let me officially put on the record, that I do not condone nor encourage the consumption of cocaine, in toothache drop form or otherwise.

So, what's wrong with this one then? Perhaps these guys could team up with Coca-Cola and do a joint promotion, they would be, after all, targeting the same audience. Well, even if you do produce clothing for the slightly larger child, calling them "chubbies" is a big no-no. We live a world of political correctness and, let's just say, discriminating against the minority (even if they are a growing audience) is not the way to go anymore.

So, there you have it. Marketing has changed, forever. Consumer needs have changed. Our roles in society have changed. How we react to advertisements and the control we each now have as a result of social media has meant that we have much more of a say than ever before. The thing that hasn't changed is the fact that marketing is still about finding and keeping customers. It's just that how we now go about doing so is radically different.

Gavin Fox MSc, MII Grad
T: +353 87 649 7660

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Monday, 13 January 2014

Search Marketing: Selling to People Who Want to Hear From You

“Selling to people who want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers who don’t.” So says Seth Godin, the post-modern marketer who announced the death of mass marketing and the rise of micro-marketing. But what is micro-marketing? Is it not just a fancy new term that only serves to dress up the traditional marketing process of segmenting, targeting and positioning (STP) brands? To answer this, let’s briefly consider how traditional STP works. You identify groups of individuals who are all similar in some way. It might be based on demographics, lifestyle, behaviour, or whatever. You target this ‘homogenous’ group with a marketing program and you aim to position your brand on some point-of-difference. However, as the global proliferation and adoption of all things digital has shown us, this process is fundamentally flawed. Why? Because no matter how ‘homogenous’ the segment is, it is inherently ‘heterogeneous’. Although the people within the group might share a similarity, they are all individuals, with individual needs, preferences, behaviours, values, and lifestyles. Marketing is about meeting customer needs profitably, not pigeon-holing people and adopting a one-size-fits-all solution. Marketing has become personal. Really personal.

One such manifestation of the highly personal nature of marketing in the web 2.0 era is search marketing. Search marketing involves making sure your message is put in front of those who want to hear from you (as opposed to interrupting strangers who don’t through mass marketing). We now spend as much time online as we do consuming any other media. In fact, if you are a generation Y consumer (someone born between roughly 1978 and early 2000’s), you most likely spend more time online than you do watching television, listening to the radio or reading newspapers/magazines. This time spent  online has affected how consumers search for brands. The fact is, when people want to find out about a product, a service, a brand, they don’t rely on mass media; they rely on micro-media. They trust a search engine. They “Google-it”. They search for what they are looking for and Google returns results that best fit their search. Whether the goal is to achieve a click-through (to achieve sales) or just to achieve an impression (for brand building), your brand simply must feature. Why? Because if it doesn’t, not only are you not considered, but you don’t exist.

In today’s highly connected world, where people demand immediacy in having the information they want at their fingertips at any given time, day or night, brands simply must be found online or they will die. And they must be found easily. 73% of search engine users never look beyond the first page. Marketers must invest their time in search marketing and ensure that their brand is showing up in both paid and organic results above the fold (visible at the top of the first page). Having a nice website that cannot be found is about as useful as designing and printing a nice brochure and hiding it in a cupboard. It starts with making sure your website content is keyword rich. And not words you consider key, but words the people carrying out the search consider key. Marketers must track these keywords to make sure they are still relevant. Ask yourself, what words do my customers and prospects use when searching for my product? Although nobody outside of Google fully understands the ‘secret sauce’ that is the algorithm, which is made up of over 200 spiders or bots of weighted data used to evaluate how relevant your website is with respect to the user’s search, we do know that certain things help. Like updating your website content regularly and updating it with highly relevant and compelling content. Using, not just keywords, but meta-tags (keywords written into the code of your website). Having links to your website from other trusted third-party websites helps too. It’s all about building relevance, authority and trustworthiness.

And with all this technology, marketers need to be careful not to forget what the whole thing is about. “Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is not about optimising for search engines, it’s about optimising for humans” (Dharmesh Shah, Hub Spot). And when you optimise for humans, you ensure you can be found; with relevance and authority. Search marketing has given marketers a fantastic tool that enables them to personally sell to people who want to hear from them.   

Gavin Fox MSc
T: +353 87 649 7660

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Monday, 6 January 2014

A Marketer's New Years Resolutions

Well, the festivities are now over and it's time to get stuck into yet another new year. It's the time we when we tend to make resolutions, objectives for the year that are usually forgotten about within a few days. Get fit, lose weight, learn a foreign language, you know the sort of thing. But, from a marketing perspective, what should be your new years resolutions? What should be your marketing objectives for 2014? Here are some suggestions, some things to consider when aiming to improve your marketing strategy in the coming 12 months.

1. More Marketing and Sales Integration Required -
It still amazes me how the marketing department and the sales department are best of enemies in many organisations. Sales teams blame the marketers for not knowing what's going on on the ground. Marketers blame the sales guys for not implementing the marketing strategy effectively. And, while the internal turf war continues, the organisation suffers. When both departments are closer aligned they make each others' job so much easier. Marketers can provide opportunities for sales people to make sales, which in turn helps in making marketing campaigns successful. Marketers can benefit from feedback from sales people, as they act as very effective market researchers, which can help marketers design more effective marketing campaigns. It's win-win. A key objective for many organisations this year should be to get the best of enemies to be the best of friends again. They, are after all, trying to achieve the same thing.

2. Digital Marketing, Social Marketing...It's Just Marketing -
If you are still struggling to get to grips with the new world of marketing, you need to catch up quickly. Many still discuss 'marketing' as being a separate discipline from 'digital' and 'social' marketing. But, guess what? The distinctions between each no longer exist. Its just marketing. The new world of marketing involves engaging with an audience through many channels. Integration is the key, as is implementing a coherent strategy across whatever relevant channels possible. So this year, forget about pigeon holing marketing and just get engaging with your audience, wherever they happen to be (both on- and off-line)

3. Entertain the Audience -
Consumers have been bombarded with one-way communications of droll, boring and meaningless marketing communications for too long and they have stopped listening. If you want consumers to give their time and attention to what you have to say, your communications need to have the entertainment factor. Ask yourself; will the communications I am planning for this year entertain the audience? If the answer is no, go back to the drawing board because it will not work.

4. Marketing Eyes Wide Open -
Marketing has got so much smarter. It used to be the case that marketers put a campaign together and hoped the sales followed. Now, as a result of data analytics, marketers can use a real-time 'dashboard', telling them what's working (and what's not), when its working, how its working, and so on. For online campaigns, you can track how many views a communication has received, how many click-throughs, whether or not users continued past the landing page, at what stage they made a purchase or submitted their details. The use of a CRM system, giving access to the sales pipeline and providing a 360 degree view, linking sales back to specific campaigns, is an essential tool enabling a smart marketing approach. Now, marketing is no longer conducted in the dark. This year aim to have your marketing eyes wide open by using the data. Smart marketers put a spotlight on their efforts. Don't leave it to chance. Measure and evaluate.

5. Prove a Return -
Accountability has become a hot topic in marketing and rightly so. As a marketer, your job is not done when you plan and implement marketing campaigns. Your job is done when you prove a return. If marketing as a profession is to be taken seriously at board level, a more scientific approach must be taken. If you want to be taken seriously by your board (and particularly by those who hold onto the purse strings in your organisation) make sure you talk the language they understand the most; money and profits.

If I can help in anyway with your plans for 2014 let me know, I would be delighted to have a chat. In any case, I hope you have a successful year.

Gavin Fox MSc
T: +353 87 649 7660

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