In today's cluttered marketing environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to cut through and get noticed. It is even more difficult to connect with people on an emotional level, which is what is now required to ensure consumers bond with your brand. The key to achieving this lies in engaging the senses. People do not interpret the world through just two senses, sight and sound, so why should your brand messages only communicate with them in this way?
Did you know we have about 10,000 taste buds, most of them on our tongue, all sending powerful messages to our brain effecting our perceptions? This week we gave Irish marketers just a taste (pun intended) of how direct mail allows you the opportunity to create truly extraordinary experiences for your customers. We sent them a miracle berry, which is a small African red fruit that has incredible taste altering properties - it changes the taste of sour and bitter foods to sweet. We asked them to allow the miracle mberry® tablet to melt and coat their tongue. Once dissolved, they could begin to enjoy foods as they never experienced them before for up to one hour. Some reported that lemons tasted like sugary sweet oranges. Or that Guinness tasted like a mocha.
Direct mail gives marketers the unique opportunity to deliver a truly sensory brand experience and engage with their customers on a strong emotional level. So, you marketers out there; what does your brand taste like?
Discover how to create your own amazing experiences at our Engage the Senses event, where you will learn how to develop unforgettable and cost-effective campaigns for your customers.
Engage the Senses
The Guinness Storehouse
March 25th, 7.30am – 9.30am
Tickets: €25 (or a discounted price of €75 for 5 tickets)
(Early bird tickets available at just €15 when purchased before 13th March)
Due to its immersive and interactive nature, tickets for this fascinating event are strictly limited. To book yours now, visit:
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